SHEPELEV Vyacheslav (1924 - 1991)
Born in Tataria 1924. Studied at the Kazan Art College then graduated from the Art Academy in Moscow. Member of the Russian Union of Artists since 1958. Taught at the Yaroslavl Art College 1981 - 1983. Important shows include 'Soviet Russia' Moscow 1960-1980. Well-known works include "Winter Day" 1962 The State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, another version of this painting is presented in our private collection. Specialised in thematic (genre) paintings, also brilliant portraitist. Many of his pictures are in private collections and museums in Russia, France, Holland, Belgium, UK and USA.

Vyacheslav Shepelev (1924 – 1991) “Portrait of a Girl in white Hat” 1958
Oil on board/Framed
60cm x 45cm

Vyacheslav Shepelev (1924 – 1991) “Before the show” 1965
Oil on canvas/Framed to order
110cm x 68cm

Vyacheslav Shepelev (1924 – 1991) “Getting Ready For School” 1960
Oil on canvas/Framed
135cm x 139cm