ART-7 Gallery, London

LEYKIN, Nikolai

He was born in artist family in Аstrаkhаn on the 5th of Juny 1976. In 1991 he take on "Аstrаchаn trades Painter University" on "Designer and painter of advertisement", and 1995 he is are university graduate with red diploma. In 1996 he comes in Saint-Petersburg and take on "Academy of Artists named I.E.Rеpina" on painter faculty.Started 1998 in А.А. Мilnikov atelier workshop he take are lessons of monumental paintings. Compliteley defend diploma in 2002 year, on theme "Vstrechia narechennich (fiance and fiancee Meeting)",mosaic. Object: hotel "Friendship" in town Viborg. since 2003, is a senior lecturer at Hertsen University. In the summer time 2006 Nikolai Leykin started to work with Art-7 on line gallery in London.

N. Leykin “Dreaminess”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
91.0cm x 76.0cm


N. Leykin “Gold and White”

Oil on canvas/Framed
60cm x 90cm


N. Leykin “The pink Scarf”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
77cm x 61cm


N. Leykin “The Artist’s Muse -2”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
91cm x 61cm


N. Leykin “Rose”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
90cm x 59cm

N. Leykin “The Favourite Muse”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
59cm x 90cm

N. Leykin “The Artist’s Model”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order
91.5cm x 61cm

N. Leykin “The Shawl”

Oil on canvas/Framed to order


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